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POTTSTOWN, PA February 20, 2025 – Pottstown Area Economic Development (PAED)’s “Clean Team” has been providing sidewalk cleaning in Downtown Pottstown since June 2023. With original funding secured through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) PAED was able to introduce this cleaning service. Improvements like continuously well-maintained sidewalks are a critical piece of revitalization and growth in Pottstown. The “Clean Team” is part of the broader commitment to assist Downtown businesses in their post-pandemic recovery, as well as attracting new businesses and new investors to the Borough.

In 2022, with clear goals outlined, PAED applied for the ARPA grant funding, working diligently to ensure a thorough and compelling application was submitted.  This service within the Downtown complements the cleaning efforts that already are in place, including post-event-specific clean-ups, community clean-up group programs, and regular street sweeping and trash removal that is provided by the Borough of Pottstown’s Public Works department.

PAED’s recent ongoing placemaking and beautification efforts include, but are not limited to, projects such as “Light Up High Street’s” canopy of lights and the grass roots Planters’ programs on High Street. PAED was successful in securing a grant from the Local Share Account (LSA) Program in support of the development of a Streetscape Plan for the Downtown. This program is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED).  Further supporting the creation of a Business Improvement District (BID) PAED has become a member of the Pennsylvania Downtown Center (PADC), as well as Main Street America (MSA), in preparation of becoming eligible to apply for the State’s Main Street specific grant dollars.

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Pottstown Are Economic Development

152 East High Street
Suite 200
Pottstown, PA 19464
(610) 326-2900